By now I've been home a month and I think I can safely say that I'm used to being back in North Carolina now. At first the heat and humidity was a little extreme, but I've become accustomed to it again. However, just because I'm back here doesn't mean that I don't think about Iceland a lot. And I guess Alaska too, but Iceland is just much more prevalent in my memory. Here are some last minute thoughts on Iceland.
I think it's interesting to note that there are very few stop signs in Iceland. I think the whole month I was there I only saw 2. They're really into roundabouts and yield signs. I guess they just don't like breaking. Also, from my experience, it seems like Icelanders really like to speed. I mean, it's definitely easy to because the roads are pretty empty as soon as you get away from the cities, but it was still frightening at times.
I'd also like to note how adorable the city of Akureyri is. Not only is it a small town, which automatically makes it cute, but all the red lights are hearts instead of circles. When they had their economic crisis, they started putting hearts everywhere. I guess they were supposed to cheer people up. It's fun to be sitting at a red light and to see a heart. Definitely adds some excitement.
Finally, here are some photos that I never got around to putting up.
The Christmas house we visited in Akureyri.
Akureyri from across the bay.
The volcanic crater where we swam.
A glacial bay we stopped at on the way back to the airport.
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