With this being Bergen, it was not great weather, but that did not stop people from packing the downtown streets. The light rail that I always take to get downtown had standing room only and the majority of the streets were completely lined with people. I was able to find a much less crowded street in order to watch the parade and take photos. Norwegian flags (and umbrellas!) were everywhere as the citizens celebrated their national holiday.
Girls carrying the Norwegian flag.
One of the many elementary schools where the students were holding their class banner.
Older students playing the drums. Several drumlines were in the parade and you could hear them from all over downtown.
A little boy that I thought was cute.
Apparently one way to celebrate is with balloons of various animals.
Including a penguin! :D
Most kids were also eating candy as they walked around.
There was even a stage set up on the main city square that looked like a Viking ship!
After all the excitement of the 17th, I decided to have a little fun myself and take a trip to IKEA. I needed a blanket since my room is rather chilly (it's generally been in the 40's so far. I hope it warms up soon!), and I just love walking through IKEA and looking at all the fake rooms that they set up. So I figured this would be a simple bus ride and then I would get to enjoy shopping. Dang was I wrong! First of all, it's important to know that Bergen is a rapidly growing city. It's economy is doing well and there's construction everyone. Apparently this also includes building a new IKEA and moving it a couple miles down the road. Once I got off the bus in a little town north of Bergen, I thought it would just be a minute walk to the store. Instead I found a shopping mall with no IKEA in sight. After talking to several people, I realized that the old IKEA (conveniently located right by the bus station) had closed in favor of a huge new one they just opened. Of course it was raining. And of course I got lost several times and ended up wandering around a rural road. But eventually I did make it! I was soaked and rather chilly, but my happiness at seeing that giant blue and yellow store made me quickly forget about the rain.
I'm happy to say that my shopping trip was successful. Not only did I get to spend a few hours walking through one of my favorite stores, but I finally bought a blanket so now I'm much warmer at night. And the blanket is actually pretty nice, so maybe this will be my first souvenir of the summer! Plus the area behind the new store was really pretty! Parts of Norway are still very sparsly populated, so this is a good example. Do note the "natural" stream, probably made by IKEA to give it a prettier setting.
Cute houses on the hill behind IKEA. The gray sky is very typical of Bergen, but at least it's a bright cloudy sky!
Oh and one final word of wisdom. If you are lost and asking for directions to IKEA, do not pronounce it like an American. People will just stare at you. Here it is pronounced ee-kay-uh, not eye-key-uh. At least the Norwegians are friendly folks who are willing to guide you to your destination!
I am happy you made it to IKEA.. No vacation is complete without some shopping!